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Electronic plastic packaging container with what material is good?

Electronic yellow glue is a single liquid type, viscous glue, because its glue color is yellow, so the industry has always been called UL glue or UL yellow glue, UL flame retardant yellow glue, yellow glue, electronic yellow glue and other names, can be divided into flame retardant electronic yellow glue and general electronic yellow glue, belongs to the solvent volatile glue.

We often see electronic yellow glue, electronic black glue, red glue, screw fixing agent and other glue are generally packed with metal containers, why should this kind of glue use metal packaging containers, YaoNeng engineers tell you the answer. The main reason is that this kind of glue is solvent-based glue, which contains solvent, solvent is easy to volatilize. The sealing performance of metal packaging containers is much better than that of plastic, so the volatile amount of solvent will be much smaller, so generally, the packaging materials of solvent-based glue are metal containers.



  So the vinyl electronic cement, electronic, UL flame retardant cement this kind of glue can be packed in plastic containers, the answer is that if packed in plastic containers, so we from the packaging glue production, must use it within 7 days to 30 days to complete, or glue will thicken and harden, which affects the use of glue and the quality and other aspects.

Shenzhen yaoneng technology co., LTD is specialized in the production and sales of electronic cement, UL flame retardant cement, cement, UL white glue, electrical insulation strength cement, plastic screws, screws, screw glue, horn glue, red glue, electronic green rubber, vinyl, transparent strong adhesive glue, stable product quality, product certificate of environmental protection, the variety is complete, packaging specification, Can provide customers with free sample testing and technical advice, and related to replace the import of yellow rubber, screw glue products, welcome customers to negotiate and exchange calls.


Contact: MR, SUN

Phone: 139-2653-4463

Tel: 0755-27902799

Email: ynbond@126.com